Bouquet Subscriptions 2024

The highest quality local flowers can be delivered right to your doorstep in the greater Traverse City area fresh from our flower farm. Don’t worry about making it to our roadside stand or a farmer’s market before we sellout, ever again. New this year, we are only offering delivery on Thursdays. A perfect gift for the flower lover in your life or a perfect way to spoil yourself. You can choose from our Peony Subscription, Late Summer Subscription, Dahlia Subscription, or a Combo of them all. We cannot wait to get the most gorgeous flowers into your hands and we appreciate your support of local agriculture and our family business. We take all the hassle out it for you by offering to deliver right to your doorstep. Whether at home or your business, we have you covered.


Please see the general delivery area below: If you fall outside of this zone, please contact us and we may be able to work something out.